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How Much Is a DeLorean Worth?

Just in time for the Holidays,
 the Sunstar 1:18 DeLorean is Back in Stock!

To be honest about it, this data is getting old!  Prices of D's seem to have gone up recently.  $28K for a "like-new" D is not out of the question, although there are many still available in the mid-teens. The price for a D from DMC-Houston is 32.5 K$, but when I added CD player, high output engine, and lowered suspension, their web page gave me a price of about 41.2K$.  I'll have to start adding new prices to my database.  Check back in 6 months!

DeLorean Prices as a Function of Mileage

The data for this graph came from 177 'for sale' listings of DeLoreans that I found from 1993 to 1998 in DeLorean World, Hemmings Motor News, Auto Week, The DuPont Registry, and miscellaneous pages on the WWW. Several listings which were beyond the '3 sigma' limits and those that were noted as 'damaged' or 'parts' were rejected. This analysis otherwise completely ignores the condition of the car, geographical variations, any changes in price with time, and the phase of the moon.

The red line indicates a depreciation of $0.093/mile. YMMV. Alas, the data file containing this data disappeared in a disk crash. Sigh. Thanks, Bill Gates!

If you want to see what might be available now, check the links on the D's for Sale page!

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