
Servicing a DeLorean - Others' Repairs

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Other DeLorean Owners Tell of Their Service, Repairs, and Upgrades

Jordan Rubin has a nice illustrated "How-to list."  I'm jealous of his garage!  NEW ! 

Michael Babb has some technical info about luggage racks and why his engine block died!  His site also has many pictures of his car and a lot of DeLorean memorabilia.

More maintenance info on Tamir's Site. Well done, worth a visit!

Visit Tamir's DMC Site

Willie Mack chronicles the recent history of 05043  

Hank Erskin has the start of a very nice "What and Where" website that has pictures identifying many DeLorean updates and trouble spots. A good start! He's added arrows or labels on the pictures.

Watch Dave as he reassembles Vixen,  a true basket case! Dave has a WebCam set up so you can watch him as he works! Or watch his D when he's not there! Dave is updating his 'diary' too! He's completed Week 188 (Oct 2003). So far Dave's $3,000 fixer-upper special has cost a bit over $22,000! 

Steve is starting with a painted, but 'seriously ignored' D. The end product will be a 'customized D'  :(  but he does have some hints on repair/service. Promises to be interesting!  

A new DeLorean owner tells us about his upgrades and repairs!


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